/** * Yii JavaScript module. * * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ /** * yii is the root module for all Yii JavaScript modules. * It implements a mechanism of organizing JavaScript code in modules through the function "yii.initModule()". * * Each module should be named as "x.y.z", where "x" stands for the root module (for the Yii core code, this is "yii"). * * A module may be structured as follows: * * ```javascript * window.yii.sample = (function($) { * var pub = { * // whether this module is currently active. If false, init() will not be called for this module * // it will also not be called for all its child modules. If this property is undefined, it means true. * isActive: true, * init: function() { * // ... module initialization code goes here ... * }, * * // ... other public functions and properties go here ... * }; * * // ... private functions and properties go here ... * * return pub; * })(window.jQuery); * ``` * * Using this structure, you can define public and private functions/properties for a module. * Private functions/properties are only visible within the module, while public functions/properties * may be accessed outside of the module. For example, you can access "yii.sample.isActive". * * You must call "yii.initModule()" once for the root module of all your modules. */ window.yii = (function ($) { var pub = { /** * List of JS or CSS URLs that can be loaded multiple times via AJAX requests. * Each item may be represented as either an absolute URL or a relative one. * Each item may contain a wildcard matching character `*`, that means one or more * any characters on the position. For example: * - `/css/*.css` will match any file ending with `.css` in the `css` directory of the current web site * - `http*://cdn.example.com/*` will match any files on domain `cdn.example.com`, loaded with HTTP or HTTPS * - `/js/myCustomScript.js?realm=*` will match file `/js/myCustomScript.js` with defined `realm` parameter */ reloadableScripts: [], /** * The selector for clickable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission. */ clickableSelector: 'a, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], ' + 'input[type="image"]', /** * The selector for changeable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission. */ changeableSelector: 'select, input, textarea', /** * @return string|undefined the CSRF parameter name. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled. */ getCsrfParam: function () { return $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content'); }, /** * @return string|undefined the CSRF token. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled. */ getCsrfToken: function () { return $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'); }, /** * Sets the CSRF token in the meta elements. * This method is provided so that you can update the CSRF token with the latest one you obtain from the server. * @param name the CSRF token name * @param value the CSRF token value */ setCsrfToken: function (name, value) { $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content', name); $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content', value); }, /** * Updates all form CSRF input fields with the latest CSRF token. * This method is provided to avoid cached forms containing outdated CSRF tokens. */ refreshCsrfToken: function () { var token = pub.getCsrfToken(); if (token) { $('form input[name="' + pub.getCsrfParam() + '"]').val(token); } }, /** * Displays a confirmation dialog. * The default implementation simply displays a js confirmation dialog. * You may override this by setting `yii.confirm`. * @param message the confirmation message. * @param ok a callback to be called when the user confirms the message * @param cancel a callback to be called when the user cancels the confirmation */ confirm: function (message, ok, cancel) { if (window.confirm(message)) { !ok || ok(); } else { !cancel || cancel(); } }, /** * Handles the action triggered by user. * This method recognizes the `data-method` attribute of the element. If the attribute exists, * the method will submit the form containing this element. If there is no containing form, a form * will be created and submitted using the method given by this attribute value (e.g. "post", "put"). * For hyperlinks, the form action will take the value of the "href" attribute of the link. * For other elements, either the containing form action or the current page URL will be used * as the form action URL. * * If the `data-method` attribute is not defined, the `href` attribute (if any) of the element * will be assigned to `window.location`. * * Starting from version 2.0.3, the `data-params` attribute is also recognized when you specify * `data-method`. The value of `data-params` should be a JSON representation of the data (name-value pairs) * that should be submitted as hidden inputs. For example, you may use the following code to generate * such a link: * * ```php * use yii\helpers\Html; * use yii\helpers\Json; * * echo Html::a('submit', ['site/foobar'], [ * 'data' => [ * 'method' => 'post', * 'params' => [ * 'name1' => 'value1', * 'name2' => 'value2', * ], * ], * ]); * ``` * * @param $e the jQuery representation of the element * @param event Related event */ handleAction: function ($e, event) { var $form = $e.attr('data-form') ? $('#' + $e.attr('data-form')) : $e.closest('form'), method = !$e.data('method') && $form ? $form.attr('method') : $e.data('method'), action = $e.attr('href'), isValidAction = action && action !== '#', params = $e.data('params'), areValidParams = params && $.isPlainObject(params), pjax = $e.data('pjax'), usePjax = pjax !== undefined && pjax !== 0 && $.support.pjax, pjaxContainer, pjaxOptions = {}, conflictParams = ['submit', 'reset', 'elements', 'length', 'name', 'acceptCharset', 'action', 'enctype', 'method', 'target']; // Forms and their child elements should not use input names or ids that conflict with properties of a form, // such as submit, length, or method. $.each(conflictParams, function (index, param) { if (areValidParams && params.hasOwnProperty(param)) { console.error("Parameter name '" + param + "' conflicts with a same named form property. " + "Please use another name."); } }); if (usePjax) { pjaxContainer = $e.data('pjax-container'); if (pjaxContainer === undefined || !pjaxContainer.length) { pjaxContainer = $e.closest('[data-pjax-container]').attr('id') ? ('#' + $e.closest('[data-pjax-container]').attr('id')) : ''; } if (!pjaxContainer.length) { pjaxContainer = 'body'; } pjaxOptions = { container: pjaxContainer, push: !!$e.data('pjax-push-state'), replace: !!$e.data('pjax-replace-state'), scrollTo: $e.data('pjax-scrollto'), pushRedirect: $e.data('pjax-push-redirect'), replaceRedirect: $e.data('pjax-replace-redirect'), skipOuterContainers: $e.data('pjax-skip-outer-containers'), timeout: $e.data('pjax-timeout'), originalEvent: event, originalTarget: $e }; } if (method === undefined) { if (isValidAction) { usePjax ? $.pjax.click(event, pjaxOptions) : window.location.assign(action); } else if ($e.is(':submit') && $form.length) { if (usePjax) { $form.on('submit', function (e) { $.pjax.submit(e, pjaxOptions); }); } $form.trigger('submit'); } return; } var oldMethod, oldAction, newForm = !$form.length; if (!newForm) { oldMethod = $form.attr('method'); $form.attr('method', method); if (isValidAction) { oldAction = $form.attr('action'); $form.attr('action', action); } } else { if (!isValidAction) { action = pub.getCurrentUrl(); } $form = $('
', {method: method, action: action}); var target = $e.attr('target'); if (target) { $form.attr('target', target); } if (!/(get|post)/i.test(method)) { $form.append($('', {name: '_method', value: method, type: 'hidden'})); method = 'post'; $form.attr('method', method); } if (/post/i.test(method)) { var csrfParam = pub.getCsrfParam(); if (csrfParam) { $form.append($('', {name: csrfParam, value: pub.getCsrfToken(), type: 'hidden'})); } } $form.hide().appendTo('body'); } var activeFormData = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); if (activeFormData) { // Remember the element triggered the form submission. This is used by yii.activeForm.js. activeFormData.submitObject = $e; } if (areValidParams) { $.each(params, function (name, value) { $form.append($('').attr({name: name, value: value, type: 'hidden'})); }); } if (usePjax) { $form.on('submit', function (e) { $.pjax.submit(e, pjaxOptions); }); } $form.trigger('submit'); $.when($form.data('yiiSubmitFinalizePromise')).done(function () { if (newForm) { $form.remove(); return; } if (oldAction !== undefined) { $form.attr('action', oldAction); } $form.attr('method', oldMethod); if (areValidParams) { $.each(params, function (name) { $('input[name="' + name + '"]', $form).remove(); }); } }); }, getQueryParams: function (url) { var pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos < 0) { return {}; } var pairs = $.grep(url.substring(pos + 1).split('#')[0].split('&'), function (value) { return value !== ''; }); var params = {}; for (var i = 0, len = pairs.length; i < len; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); var name = decodeURIComponent(pair[0].replace(/\+/g, '%20')); var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')); if (!name.length) { continue; } if (params[name] === undefined) { params[name] = value || ''; } else { if (!$.isArray(params[name])) { params[name] = [params[name]]; } params[name].push(value || ''); } } return params; }, initModule: function (module) { if (module.isActive !== undefined && !module.isActive) { return; } if ($.isFunction(module.init)) { module.init(); } $.each(module, function () { if ($.isPlainObject(this)) { pub.initModule(this); } }); }, init: function () { initCsrfHandler(); initRedirectHandler(); initAssetFilters(); initDataMethods(); }, /** * Returns the URL of the current page without params and trailing slash. Separated and made public for testing. * @returns {string} */ getBaseCurrentUrl: function () { return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; }, /** * Returns the URL of the current page. Used for testing, you can always call `window.location.href` manually * instead. * @returns {string} */ getCurrentUrl: function () { return window.location.href; } }; function initCsrfHandler() { // automatically send CSRF token for all AJAX requests $.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) { if (!options.crossDomain && pub.getCsrfParam()) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', pub.getCsrfToken()); } }); pub.refreshCsrfToken(); } function initRedirectHandler() { // handle AJAX redirection $(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr) { var url = xhr && xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Redirect'); if (url) { window.location.assign(url); } }); } function initAssetFilters() { /** * Used for storing loaded scripts and information about loading each script if it's in the process of loading. * A single script can have one of the following values: * * - `undefined` - script was not loaded at all before or was loaded with error last time. * - `true` (boolean) - script was successfully loaded. * - object - script is currently loading. * * In case of a value being an object the properties are: * - `xhrList` - represents a queue of XHR requests sent to the same URL (related with this script) in the same * small period of time. * - `xhrDone` - boolean, acts like a locking mechanism. When one of the XHR requests in the queue is * successfully completed, it will abort the rest of concurrent requests to the same URL until cleanup is done * to prevent possible errors and race conditions. * @type {{}} */ var loadedScripts = {}; $('script[src]').each(function () { var url = getAbsoluteUrl(this.src); loadedScripts[url] = true; }); $.ajaxPrefilter('script', function (options, originalOptions, xhr) { if (options.dataType == 'jsonp') { return; } var url = getAbsoluteUrl(options.url), forbiddenRepeatedLoad = loadedScripts[url] === true && !isReloadableAsset(url), cleanupRunning = loadedScripts[url] !== undefined && loadedScripts[url]['xhrDone'] === true; if (forbiddenRepeatedLoad || cleanupRunning) { xhr.abort(); return; } if (loadedScripts[url] === undefined || loadedScripts[url] === true) { loadedScripts[url] = { xhrList: [], xhrDone: false }; } xhr.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // If multiple requests were successfully loaded, perform cleanup only once if (loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrDone'] === true) { return; } loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrDone'] = true; for (var i = 0, len = loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrList'].length; i < len; i++) { var singleXhr = loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrList'][i]; if (singleXhr && singleXhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { singleXhr.abort(); } } loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl] = true; }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { if (textStatus === 'abort') { return; } delete loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrList'][jqXHR.yiiIndex]; var allFailed = true; for (var i = 0, len = loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrList'].length; i < len; i++) { if (loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]['xhrList'][i]) { allFailed = false; } } if (allFailed) { delete loadedScripts[jqXHR.yiiUrl]; } }); // Use prefix for custom XHR properties to avoid possible conflicts with existing properties xhr.yiiIndex = loadedScripts[url]['xhrList'].length; xhr.yiiUrl = url; loadedScripts[url]['xhrList'][xhr.yiiIndex] = xhr; }); $(document).ajaxComplete(function () { var styleSheets = []; $('link[rel=stylesheet]').each(function () { var url = getAbsoluteUrl(this.href); if (isReloadableAsset(url)) { return; } $.inArray(url, styleSheets) === -1 ? styleSheets.push(url) : $(this).remove(); }); }); } function initDataMethods() { var handler = function (event) { var $this = $(this), method = $this.data('method'), message = $this.data('confirm'), form = $this.data('form'); if (method === undefined && message === undefined && form === undefined) { return true; } if (message !== undefined && message !== false && message !== '') { $.proxy(pub.confirm, this)(message, function () { pub.handleAction($this, event); }); } else { pub.handleAction($this, event); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }; // handle data-confirm and data-method for clickable and changeable elements $(document).on('click.yii', pub.clickableSelector, handler) .on('change.yii', pub.changeableSelector, handler); } function isReloadableAsset(url) { for (var i = 0; i < pub.reloadableScripts.length; i++) { var rule = getAbsoluteUrl(pub.reloadableScripts[i]); var match = new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(rule).split('\\*').join('.+') + "$").test(url); if (match === true) { return true; } } return false; } // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3446170/escape-string-for-use-in-javascript-regex function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } /** * Returns absolute URL based on the given URL * @param {string} url Initial URL * @returns {string} */ function getAbsoluteUrl(url) { return url.charAt(0) === '/' ? pub.getBaseCurrentUrl() + url : url; } return pub; })(window.jQuery); window.jQuery(function () { window.yii.initModule(window.yii); }); /** * Yii form widget. * * This is the JavaScript widget used by the yii\widgets\ActiveForm widget. * * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ (function ($) { $.fn.yiiActiveForm = function (method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.yiiActiveForm'); return false; } }; var events = { /** * beforeValidate event is triggered before validating the whole form. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, messages, deferreds) * where * - event: an Event object. * - messages: an associative array with keys being attribute IDs and values being error message arrays * for the corresponding attributes. * - deferreds: an array of Deferred objects. You can use deferreds.add(callback) to add a new deferred validation. * * If the handler returns a boolean false, it will stop further form validation after this event. And as * a result, afterValidate event will not be triggered. */ beforeValidate: 'beforeValidate', /** * afterValidate event is triggered after validating the whole form. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, messages, errorAttributes) * where * - event: an Event object. * - messages: an associative array with keys being attribute IDs and values being error message arrays * for the corresponding attributes. * - errorAttributes: an array of attributes that have validation errors. Please refer to attributeDefaults for the structure of this parameter. */ afterValidate: 'afterValidate', /** * beforeValidateAttribute event is triggered before validating an attribute. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, attribute, messages, deferreds) * where * - event: an Event object. * - attribute: the attribute to be validated. Please refer to attributeDefaults for the structure of this parameter. * - messages: an array to which you can add validation error messages for the specified attribute. * - deferreds: an array of Deferred objects. You can use deferreds.add(callback) to add a new deferred validation. * * If the handler returns a boolean false, it will stop further validation of the specified attribute. * And as a result, afterValidateAttribute event will not be triggered. */ beforeValidateAttribute: 'beforeValidateAttribute', /** * afterValidateAttribute event is triggered after validating the whole form and each attribute. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, attribute, messages) * where * - event: an Event object. * - attribute: the attribute being validated. Please refer to attributeDefaults for the structure of this parameter. * - messages: an array to which you can add additional validation error messages for the specified attribute. */ afterValidateAttribute: 'afterValidateAttribute', /** * beforeSubmit event is triggered before submitting the form after all validations have passed. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event) * where event is an Event object. * * If the handler returns a boolean false, it will stop form submission. */ beforeSubmit: 'beforeSubmit', /** * ajaxBeforeSend event is triggered before sending an AJAX request for AJAX-based validation. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, jqXHR, settings) * where * - event: an Event object. * - jqXHR: a jqXHR object * - settings: the settings for the AJAX request */ ajaxBeforeSend: 'ajaxBeforeSend', /** * ajaxComplete event is triggered after completing an AJAX request for AJAX-based validation. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event, jqXHR, textStatus) * where * - event: an Event object. * - jqXHR: a jqXHR object * - textStatus: the status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror"). */ ajaxComplete: 'ajaxComplete', /** * afterInit event is triggered after yii activeForm init. * The signature of the event handler should be: * function (event) * where * - event: an Event object. */ afterInit: 'afterInit' }; // NOTE: If you change any of these defaults, make sure you update yii\widgets\ActiveForm::getClientOptions() as well var defaults = { // whether to encode the error summary encodeErrorSummary: true, // the jQuery selector for the error summary errorSummary: '.error-summary', // whether to perform validation before submitting the form. validateOnSubmit: true, // the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute has validation error errorCssClass: 'has-error', // the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute passes validation successCssClass: 'has-success', // the container CSS class representing the corresponding attribute is being validated validatingCssClass: 'validating', // the GET parameter name indicating an AJAX-based validation ajaxParam: 'ajax', // the type of data that you're expecting back from the server ajaxDataType: 'json', // the URL for performing AJAX-based validation. If not set, it will use the the form's action validationUrl: undefined, // whether to scroll to first visible error after validation. scrollToError: true, // offset in pixels that should be added when scrolling to the first error. scrollToErrorOffset: 0, // where to add validation class: container or input validationStateOn: 'container' }; // NOTE: If you change any of these defaults, make sure you update yii\widgets\ActiveField::getClientOptions() as well var attributeDefaults = { // a unique ID identifying an attribute (e.g. "loginform-username") in a form id: undefined, // attribute name or expression (e.g. "[0]content" for tabular input) name: undefined, // the jQuery selector of the container of the input field container: undefined, // the jQuery selector of the input field under the context of the form input: undefined, // the jQuery selector of the error tag under the context of the container error: '.help-block', // whether to encode the error encodeError: true, // whether to perform validation when a change is detected on the input validateOnChange: true, // whether to perform validation when the input loses focus validateOnBlur: true, // whether to perform validation when the user is typing. validateOnType: false, // number of milliseconds that the validation should be delayed when a user is typing in the input field. validationDelay: 500, // whether to enable AJAX-based validation. enableAjaxValidation: false, // function (attribute, value, messages, deferred, $form), the client-side validation function. validate: undefined, // status of the input field, 0: empty, not entered before, 1: validated, 2: pending validation, 3: validating status: 0, // whether the validation is cancelled by beforeValidateAttribute event handler cancelled: false, // the value of the input value: undefined, // whether to update aria-invalid attribute after validation updateAriaInvalid: true }; var submitDefer; var setSubmitFinalizeDefer = function($form) { submitDefer = $.Deferred(); $form.data('yiiSubmitFinalizePromise', submitDefer.promise()); }; // finalize yii.js $form.submit var submitFinalize = function($form) { if(submitDefer) { submitDefer.resolve(); submitDefer = undefined; $form.removeData('yiiSubmitFinalizePromise'); } }; var methods = { init: function (attributes, options) { return this.each(function () { var $form = $(this); if ($form.data('yiiActiveForm')) { return; } var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {}); if (settings.validationUrl === undefined) { settings.validationUrl = $form.attr('action'); } $.each(attributes, function (i) { attributes[i] = $.extend({value: getValue($form, this)}, attributeDefaults, this); watchAttribute($form, attributes[i]); }); $form.data('yiiActiveForm', { settings: settings, attributes: attributes, submitting: false, validated: false, options: getFormOptions($form) }); /** * Clean up error status when the form is reset. * Note that $form.on('reset', ...) does work because the "reset" event does not bubble on IE. */ $form.on('reset.yiiActiveForm', methods.resetForm); if (settings.validateOnSubmit) { $form.on('mouseup.yiiActiveForm keyup.yiiActiveForm', ':submit', function () { $form.data('yiiActiveForm').submitObject = $(this); }); $form.on('submit.yiiActiveForm', methods.submitForm); } var event = $.Event(events.afterInit); $form.trigger(event); }); }, // add a new attribute to the form dynamically. // please refer to attributeDefaults for the structure of attribute add: function (attribute) { var $form = $(this); attribute = $.extend({value: getValue($form, attribute)}, attributeDefaults, attribute); $form.data('yiiActiveForm').attributes.push(attribute); watchAttribute($form, attribute); }, // remove the attribute with the specified ID from the form remove: function (id) { var $form = $(this), attributes = $form.data('yiiActiveForm').attributes, index = -1, attribute = undefined; $.each(attributes, function (i) { if (attributes[i]['id'] == id) { index = i; attribute = attributes[i]; return false; } }); if (index >= 0) { attributes.splice(index, 1); unwatchAttribute($form, attribute); } return attribute; }, // manually trigger the validation of the attribute with the specified ID validateAttribute: function (id) { var attribute = methods.find.call(this, id); if (attribute != undefined) { validateAttribute($(this), attribute, true); } }, // find an attribute config based on the specified attribute ID find: function (id) { var attributes = $(this).data('yiiActiveForm').attributes, result = undefined; $.each(attributes, function (i) { if (attributes[i]['id'] == id) { result = attributes[i]; return false; } }); return result; }, destroy: function () { return this.each(function () { $(this).off('.yiiActiveForm'); $(this).removeData('yiiActiveForm'); }); }, data: function () { return this.data('yiiActiveForm'); }, // validate all applicable inputs in the form validate: function (forceValidate) { if (forceValidate) { $(this).data('yiiActiveForm').submitting = true; } var $form = $(this), data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'), needAjaxValidation = false, messages = {}, deferreds = deferredArray(), submitting = data.submitting; if (submitting) { var event = $.Event(events.beforeValidate); $form.trigger(event, [messages, deferreds]); if (event.result === false) { data.submitting = false; submitFinalize($form); return; } } // client-side validation $.each(data.attributes, function () { this.$form = $form; var $input = findInput($form, this); if ($input.is(":disabled")) { return true; } // pass SELECT without options if ($input.length && $input[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select') { if (!$input[0].options.length) { return true; } else if (($input[0].options.length === 1) && ($input[0].options[0].value === '')) { return true; } } this.cancelled = false; // perform validation only if the form is being submitted or if an attribute is pending validation if (data.submitting || this.status === 2 || this.status === 3) { var msg = messages[this.id]; if (msg === undefined) { msg = []; messages[this.id] = msg; } var event = $.Event(events.beforeValidateAttribute); $form.trigger(event, [this, msg, deferreds]); if (event.result !== false) { if (this.validate) { this.validate(this, getValue($form, this), msg, deferreds, $form); } if (this.enableAjaxValidation) { needAjaxValidation = true; } } else { this.cancelled = true; } } }); // ajax validation $.when.apply(this, deferreds).always(function() { // Remove empty message arrays for (var i in messages) { if (0 === messages[i].length) { delete messages[i]; } } if (needAjaxValidation && ($.isEmptyObject(messages) || data.submitting)) { var $button = data.submitObject, extData = '&' + data.settings.ajaxParam + '=' + $form.attr('id'); if ($button && $button.length && $button.attr('name')) { extData += '&' + $button.attr('name') + '=' + $button.attr('value'); } $.ajax({ url: data.settings.validationUrl, type: $form.attr('method'), data: $form.serialize() + extData, dataType: data.settings.ajaxDataType, complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) { $form.trigger(events.ajaxComplete, [jqXHR, textStatus]); }, beforeSend: function (jqXHR, settings) { $form.trigger(events.ajaxBeforeSend, [jqXHR, settings]); }, success: function (msgs) { if (msgs !== null && typeof msgs === 'object') { $.each(data.attributes, function () { if (!this.enableAjaxValidation || this.cancelled) { delete msgs[this.id]; } }); updateInputs($form, $.extend(messages, msgs), submitting); } else { updateInputs($form, messages, submitting); } }, error: function () { data.submitting = false; submitFinalize($form); } }); } else if (data.submitting) { // delay callback so that the form can be submitted without problem window.setTimeout(function () { updateInputs($form, messages, submitting); }, 200); } else { updateInputs($form, messages, submitting); } }); }, submitForm: function () { var $form = $(this), data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); if (data.validated) { // Second submit's call (from validate/updateInputs) data.submitting = false; var event = $.Event(events.beforeSubmit); $form.trigger(event); if (event.result === false) { data.validated = false; submitFinalize($form); return false; } updateHiddenButton($form); return true; // continue submitting the form since validation passes } else { // First submit's call (from yii.js/handleAction) - execute validating setSubmitFinalizeDefer($form); if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(data.settings.timer); } data.submitting = true; methods.validate.call($form); return false; } }, resetForm: function () { var $form = $(this); var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); // Because we bind directly to a form reset event instead of a reset button (that may not exist), // when this function is executed form input values have not been reset yet. // Therefore we do the actual reset work through setTimeout. window.setTimeout(function () { $.each(data.attributes, function () { // Without setTimeout() we would get the input values that are not reset yet. this.value = getValue($form, this); this.status = 0; var $container = $form.find(this.container), $input = findInput($form, this), $errorElement = data.settings.validationStateOn === 'input' ? $input : $container; $errorElement.removeClass( data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.successCssClass ); $container.find(this.error).html(''); }); $form.find(data.settings.errorSummary).hide().find('ul').html(''); }, 1); }, /** * Updates error messages, input containers, and optionally summary as well. * If an attribute is missing from messages, it is considered valid. * @param messages array the validation error messages, indexed by attribute IDs * @param summary whether to update summary as well. */ updateMessages: function (messages, summary) { var $form = $(this); var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); $.each(data.attributes, function () { updateInput($form, this, messages); }); if (summary) { updateSummary($form, messages); } }, /** * Updates error messages and input container of a single attribute. * If messages is empty, the attribute is considered valid. * @param id attribute ID * @param messages array with error messages */ updateAttribute: function(id, messages) { var attribute = methods.find.call(this, id); if (attribute != undefined) { var msg = {}; msg[id] = messages; updateInput($(this), attribute, msg); } } }; var watchAttribute = function ($form, attribute) { var $input = findInput($form, attribute); if (attribute.validateOnChange) { $input.on('change.yiiActiveForm', function () { validateAttribute($form, attribute, false); }); } if (attribute.validateOnBlur) { $input.on('blur.yiiActiveForm', function () { if (attribute.status == 0 || attribute.status == 1) { validateAttribute($form, attribute, true); } }); } if (attribute.validateOnType) { $input.on('keyup.yiiActiveForm', function (e) { if ($.inArray(e.which, [16, 17, 18, 37, 38, 39, 40]) !== -1 ) { return; } if (attribute.value !== getValue($form, attribute)) { validateAttribute($form, attribute, false, attribute.validationDelay); } }); } }; var unwatchAttribute = function ($form, attribute) { findInput($form, attribute).off('.yiiActiveForm'); }; var validateAttribute = function ($form, attribute, forceValidate, validationDelay) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); if (forceValidate) { attribute.status = 2; } $.each(data.attributes, function () { if (!isEqual(this.value, getValue($form, this))) { this.status = 2; forceValidate = true; } }); if (!forceValidate) { return; } if (data.settings.timer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(data.settings.timer); } data.settings.timer = window.setTimeout(function () { if (data.submitting || $form.is(':hidden')) { return; } $.each(data.attributes, function () { if (this.status === 2) { this.status = 3; $form.find(this.container).addClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass); } }); methods.validate.call($form); }, validationDelay ? validationDelay : 200); }; /** * Compares two value whatever it objects, arrays or simple types * @param val1 * @param val2 * @returns boolean */ var isEqual = function(val1, val2) { // objects if (val1 instanceof Object) { return isObjectsEqual(val1, val2) } // arrays if (Array.isArray(val1)) { return isArraysEqual(val1, val2); } // simple types return val1 === val2; }; /** * Compares two objects * @param obj1 * @param obj2 * @returns boolean */ var isObjectsEqual = function(obj1, obj2) { if (!(obj1 instanceof Object) || !(obj2 instanceof Object)) { return false; } var keys1 = Object.keys(obj1); var keys2 = Object.keys(obj2); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < keys1.length; i += 1) { if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(keys1[i])) { return false; } if (obj1[keys1[i]] !== obj2[keys1[i]]) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Compares two arrays * @param arr1 * @param arr2 * @returns boolean */ var isArraysEqual = function(arr1, arr2) { if (!Array.isArray(arr1) || !Array.isArray(arr2)) { return false; } if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i += 1) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Returns an array prototype with a shortcut method for adding a new deferred. * The context of the callback will be the deferred object so it can be resolved like ```this.resolve()``` * @returns Array */ var deferredArray = function () { var array = []; array.add = function(callback) { this.push(new $.Deferred(callback)); }; return array; }; var buttonOptions = ['action', 'target', 'method', 'enctype']; /** * Returns current form options * @param $form * @returns object Object with button of form options */ var getFormOptions = function ($form) { var attributes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < buttonOptions.length; i++) { attributes[buttonOptions[i]] = $form.attr(buttonOptions[i]); } return attributes; }; /** * Applies temporary form options related to submit button * @param $form the form jQuery object * @param $button the button jQuery object */ var applyButtonOptions = function ($form, $button) { for (var i = 0; i < buttonOptions.length; i++) { var value = $button.attr('form' + buttonOptions[i]); if (value) { $form.attr(buttonOptions[i], value); } } }; /** * Restores original form options * @param $form the form jQuery object */ var restoreButtonOptions = function ($form) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); for (var i = 0; i < buttonOptions.length; i++) { $form.attr(buttonOptions[i], data.options[buttonOptions[i]] || null); } }; /** * Updates the error messages and the input containers for all applicable attributes * @param $form the form jQuery object * @param messages array the validation error messages * @param submitting whether this method is called after validation triggered by form submission */ var updateInputs = function ($form, messages, submitting) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); if (data === undefined) { return false; } var errorAttributes = [], $input; $.each(data.attributes, function () { var hasError = (submitting && updateInput($form, this, messages)) || (!submitting && attrHasError($form, this, messages)); $input = findInput($form, this); if (!$input.is(":disabled") && !this.cancelled && hasError) { errorAttributes.push(this); } }); $form.trigger(events.afterValidate, [messages, errorAttributes]); if (submitting) { updateSummary($form, messages); if (errorAttributes.length) { if (data.settings.scrollToError) { var top = $form.find($.map(errorAttributes, function(attribute) { return attribute.input; }).join(',')).first().closest(':visible').offset().top - data.settings.scrollToErrorOffset; if (top < 0) { top = 0; } else if (top > $(document).height()) { top = $(document).height(); } var wtop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (top < wtop || top > wtop + $(window).height()) { $(window).scrollTop(top); } } data.submitting = false; } else { data.validated = true; if (data.submitObject) { applyButtonOptions($form, data.submitObject); } $form.submit(); if (data.submitObject) { restoreButtonOptions($form); } } } else { $.each(data.attributes, function () { if (!this.cancelled && (this.status === 2 || this.status === 3)) { updateInput($form, this, messages); } }); } submitFinalize($form); }; /** * Updates hidden field that represents clicked submit button. * @param $form the form jQuery object. */ var updateHiddenButton = function ($form) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'); var $button = data.submitObject || $form.find(':submit:first'); // TODO: if the submission is caused by "change" event, it will not work if ($button.length && $button.attr('type') == 'submit' && $button.attr('name')) { // simulate button input value var $hiddenButton = $('input[type="hidden"][name="' + $button.attr('name') + '"]', $form); if (!$hiddenButton.length) { $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: $button.attr('name'), value: $button.attr('value') }).appendTo($form); } else { $hiddenButton.attr('value', $button.attr('value')); } } }; /** * Updates the error message and the input container for a particular attribute. * @param $form the form jQuery object * @param attribute object the configuration for a particular attribute. * @param messages array the validation error messages * @return boolean whether there is a validation error for the specified attribute */ var updateInput = function ($form, attribute, messages) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'), $input = findInput($form, attribute), hasError = attrHasError($form, attribute, messages); if (!$.isArray(messages[attribute.id])) { messages[attribute.id] = []; } attribute.status = 1; if ($input.length) { var $container = $form.find(attribute.container); var $error = $container.find(attribute.error); updateAriaInvalid($form, attribute, hasError); var $errorElement = data.settings.validationStateOn === 'input' ? $input : $container; if (hasError) { if (attribute.encodeError) { $error.text(messages[attribute.id][0]); } else { $error.html(messages[attribute.id][0]); } $errorElement.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.successCssClass) .addClass(data.settings.errorCssClass); } else { $error.empty(); $errorElement.removeClass(data.settings.validatingCssClass + ' ' + data.settings.errorCssClass + ' ') .addClass(data.settings.successCssClass); } attribute.value = getValue($form, attribute); } $form.trigger(events.afterValidateAttribute, [attribute, messages[attribute.id]]); return hasError; }; /** * Checks if a particular attribute has an error * @param $form the form jQuery object * @param attribute object the configuration for a particular attribute. * @param messages array the validation error messages * @return boolean whether there is a validation error for the specified attribute */ var attrHasError = function ($form, attribute, messages) { var $input = findInput($form, attribute), hasError = false; if (!$.isArray(messages[attribute.id])) { messages[attribute.id] = []; } if ($input.length) { hasError = messages[attribute.id].length > 0; } return hasError; }; /** * Updates the error summary. * @param $form the form jQuery object * @param messages array the validation error messages */ var updateSummary = function ($form, messages) { var data = $form.data('yiiActiveForm'), $summary = $form.find(data.settings.errorSummary), $ul = $summary.find('ul').empty(); if ($summary.length && messages) { $.each(data.attributes, function () { if ($.isArray(messages[this.id]) && messages[this.id].length) { var error = $('
  • '); if (data.settings.encodeErrorSummary) { error.text(messages[this.id][0]); } else { error.html(messages[this.id][0]); } $ul.append(error); } }); $summary.toggle($ul.find('li').length > 0); } }; var getValue = function ($form, attribute) { var $input = findInput($form, attribute); var type = $input.attr('type'); if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') { var $realInput = $input.filter(':checked'); if ($realInput.length > 1) { var values = []; $realInput.each(function(index) { values.push($($realInput.get(index)).val()); }); return values; } if (!$realInput.length) { $realInput = $form.find('input[type=hidden][name="' + $input.attr('name') + '"]'); } return $realInput.val(); } else { return $input.val(); } }; var findInput = function ($form, attribute) { var $input = $form.find(attribute.input); if ($input.length && $input[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') { // checkbox list or radio list return $input.find('input'); } else { return $input; } }; var updateAriaInvalid = function ($form, attribute, hasError) { if (attribute.updateAriaInvalid) { $form.find(attribute.input).attr('aria-invalid', hasError ? 'true' : 'false'); } } })(window.jQuery); /** * Yii validation module. * * This JavaScript module provides the validation methods for the built-in validators. * * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ yii.validation = (function ($) { var pub = { isEmpty: function (value) { return value === null || value === undefined || ($.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) || value === ''; }, addMessage: function (messages, message, value) { messages.push(message.replace(/\{value\}/g, value)); }, required: function (value, messages, options) { var valid = false; if (options.requiredValue === undefined) { var isString = typeof value == 'string' || value instanceof String; if (options.strict && value !== undefined || !options.strict && !pub.isEmpty(isString ? $.trim(value) : value)) { valid = true; } } else if (!options.strict && value == options.requiredValue || options.strict && value === options.requiredValue) { valid = true; } if (!valid) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, // "boolean" is a reserved keyword in older versions of ES so it's quoted for IE < 9 support 'boolean': function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } var valid = !options.strict && (value == options.trueValue || value == options.falseValue) || options.strict && (value === options.trueValue || value === options.falseValue); if (!valid) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, string: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } if (typeof value !== 'string') { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); return; } if (options.is !== undefined && value.length != options.is) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.notEqual, value); return; } if (options.min !== undefined && value.length < options.min) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooShort, value); } if (options.max !== undefined && value.length > options.max) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooLong, value); } }, file: function (attribute, messages, options) { var files = getUploadedFiles(attribute, messages, options); $.each(files, function (i, file) { validateFile(file, messages, options); }); }, image: function (attribute, messages, options, deferredList) { var files = getUploadedFiles(attribute, messages, options); $.each(files, function (i, file) { validateFile(file, messages, options); // Skip image validation if FileReader API is not available if (typeof FileReader === "undefined") { return; } var deferred = $.Deferred(); pub.validateImage(file, messages, options, deferred, new FileReader(), new Image()); deferredList.push(deferred); }); }, validateImage: function (file, messages, options, deferred, fileReader, image) { image.onload = function() { validateImageSize(file, image, messages, options); deferred.resolve(); }; image.onerror = function () { messages.push(options.notImage.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); deferred.resolve(); }; fileReader.onload = function () { image.src = this.result; }; // Resolve deferred if there was error while reading data fileReader.onerror = function () { deferred.resolve(); }; fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); }, number: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } if (typeof value === 'string' && !options.pattern.test(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); return; } if (options.min !== undefined && value < options.min) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooSmall, value); } if (options.max !== undefined && value > options.max) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.tooBig, value); } }, range: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } if (!options.allowArray && $.isArray(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); return; } var inArray = true; $.each($.isArray(value) ? value : [value], function (i, v) { if ($.inArray(v, options.range) == -1) { inArray = false; return false; } else { return true; } }); if (options.not === undefined) { options.not = false; } if (options.not === inArray) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, regularExpression: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } if (!options.not && !options.pattern.test(value) || options.not && options.pattern.test(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, email: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } var valid = true, regexp = /^((?:"?([^"]*)"?\s)?)(?:\s+)?(?:(]+))(>?))$/, matches = regexp.exec(value); if (matches === null) { valid = false; } else { var localPart = matches[5], domain = matches[6]; if (options.enableIDN) { localPart = punycode.toASCII(localPart); domain = punycode.toASCII(domain); value = matches[1] + matches[3] + localPart + '@' + domain + matches[7]; } if (localPart.length > 64) { valid = false; } else if ((localPart + '@' + domain).length > 254) { valid = false; } else { valid = options.pattern.test(value) || (options.allowName && options.fullPattern.test(value)); } } if (!valid) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, url: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } if (options.defaultScheme && !/:\/\//.test(value)) { value = options.defaultScheme + '://' + value; } var valid = true; if (options.enableIDN) { var matches = /^([^:]+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/.exec(value); if (matches === null) { valid = false; } else { value = matches[1] + '://' + punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) + matches[3]; } } if (!valid || !options.pattern.test(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, trim: function ($form, attribute, options, value) { var $input = $form.find(attribute.input); if ($input.is(':checkbox, :radio')) { return value; } value = $input.val(); if (!options.skipOnEmpty || !pub.isEmpty(value)) { value = $.trim(value); $input.val(value); } return value; }, captcha: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } // CAPTCHA may be updated via AJAX and the updated hash is stored in body data var hash = $('body').data(options.hashKey); hash = hash == null ? options.hash : hash[options.caseSensitive ? 0 : 1]; var v = options.caseSensitive ? value : value.toLowerCase(); for (var i = v.length - 1, h = 0; i >= 0; --i) { h += v.charCodeAt(i); } if (h != hash) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, compare: function (value, messages, options, $form) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } var compareValue, valid = true; if (options.compareAttribute === undefined) { compareValue = options.compareValue; } else { var $target = $('#' + options.compareAttribute); if (!$target.length) { $target = $form.find('[name="' + options.compareAttributeName + '"]'); } compareValue = $target.val(); } if (options.type === 'number') { value = value ? parseFloat(value) : 0; compareValue = compareValue ? parseFloat(compareValue) : 0; } switch (options.operator) { case '==': valid = value == compareValue; break; case '===': valid = value === compareValue; break; case '!=': valid = value != compareValue; break; case '!==': valid = value !== compareValue; break; case '>': valid = value > compareValue; break; case '>=': valid = value >= compareValue; break; case '<': valid = value < compareValue; break; case '<=': valid = value <= compareValue; break; default: valid = false; break; } if (!valid) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value); } }, ip: function (value, messages, options) { if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) { return; } var negation = null, cidr = null, matches = new RegExp(options.ipParsePattern).exec(value); if (matches) { negation = matches[1] || null; value = matches[2]; cidr = matches[4] || null; } if (options.subnet === true && cidr === null) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.noSubnet, value); return; } if (options.subnet === false && cidr !== null) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.hasSubnet, value); return; } if (options.negation === false && negation !== null) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.message, value); return; } var ipVersion = value.indexOf(':') === -1 ? 4 : 6; if (ipVersion == 6) { if (!(new RegExp(options.ipv6Pattern)).test(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.message, value); } if (!options.ipv6) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.ipv6NotAllowed, value); } } else { if (!(new RegExp(options.ipv4Pattern)).test(value)) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.message, value); } if (!options.ipv4) { pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.ipv4NotAllowed, value); } } } }; function getUploadedFiles(attribute, messages, options) { // Skip validation if File API is not available if (typeof File === "undefined") { return []; } var fileInput = $(attribute.input, attribute.$form).get(0); // Skip validation if file input does not exist // (in case file inputs are added dynamically and no file input has been added to the form) if (typeof fileInput === "undefined") { return []; } var files = fileInput.files; if (!files) { messages.push(options.message); return []; } if (files.length === 0) { if (!options.skipOnEmpty) { messages.push(options.uploadRequired); } return []; } if (options.maxFiles && options.maxFiles < files.length) { messages.push(options.tooMany); return []; } return files; } function validateFile(file, messages, options) { if (options.extensions && options.extensions.length > 0) { var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.'); var ext = !~index ? '' : file.name.substr(index + 1, file.name.length).toLowerCase(); if (!~options.extensions.indexOf(ext)) { messages.push(options.wrongExtension.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } } if (options.mimeTypes && options.mimeTypes.length > 0) { if (!validateMimeType(options.mimeTypes, file.type)) { messages.push(options.wrongMimeType.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } } if (options.maxSize && options.maxSize < file.size) { messages.push(options.tooBig.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } if (options.minSize && options.minSize > file.size) { messages.push(options.tooSmall.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } } function validateMimeType(mimeTypes, fileType) { for (var i = 0, len = mimeTypes.length; i < len; i++) { if (new RegExp(mimeTypes[i]).test(fileType)) { return true; } } return false; } function validateImageSize(file, image, messages, options) { if (options.minWidth && image.width < options.minWidth) { messages.push(options.underWidth.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } if (options.maxWidth && image.width > options.maxWidth) { messages.push(options.overWidth.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } if (options.minHeight && image.height < options.minHeight) { messages.push(options.underHeight.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } if (options.maxHeight && image.height > options.maxHeight) { messages.push(options.overHeight.replace(/\{file\}/g, file.name)); } } return pub; })(jQuery); /*! lazysizes - v5.2.0 */ !function(a,b){var c=b(a,a.document,Date);a.lazySizes=c,"object"==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=c)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:{},function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e;if(function(){var 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